Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bookish Mardi : First Crime Fiction

First Crime Fiction: Elaine Coffman's Alone in the Dark

. . .first crime novel I've read with a typical yet cute lovestory ^^

Photo from Web
When her dying father confesses that he is not her biological father -- and that he has a twin -- Washington, D.C., morning news anchor Ellery O'Brien is desperate for answers. Plagued by a recurring nightmare in which a blood-covered woman who has been stabbed repeatedly by a killer, staggers down the staircase of a beautiful old house, Ellery travels to her late mother's hometown -- Agarita Springs, Texas -- not realizing until she arrives that she has rented the very house she sees in her dreams. No one in town wants to dig up the past, but rancher Clint Littleton begins to help Ellery and white-hot attraction sparks between them. The nightmares, however, persist. And each time, before Ellery awakes, she sees an increasingly terrifying image: just a little more of the killer's face. . ."New York Times" bestselling author Elaine Coffman switches gears with pulse-pounding results in her first novel of heart-stopping romantic suspense.

 Remarkable Lines from the Book

Control your temper or it will control you.” – Daniel

“Sometimes things happen unintentionally.”  -- Ellery

Scripture of Ecclesiastes: “In much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.” – Ellery

“They say the body has an infinite capacity for grief.” – Sam

“All my mistakes are well-thought out.” – Sam

“When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Clint 

“You never know what’s going on in a woman’s heart.” – Anon

Richard Nixon: “A man is not finished when he’s defeated. He’s finished when he quits.” – Ellery

Hubert Humphrey: “The heroes of the world are not those who withdraw . . . but those who stand the heat of the battle.” – Ellery

“There are people in this world who let their will override their intelligence.” – Clint 

“In making love or business, no woman wants to be on top all the time.” – Clint

“Families ought to be together.” – Ellery

“Sometimes you can stir the embers of a fire until it burns out of control.” – Clint

“Women are constitutionally stronger.” – Margie

“I may look light as a feather, but on the inside, I’m made of pretty strong stuff.” – Virginia

“Heads are better than one.” – Clint

“Understanding removes hostility.” – Ellery

“There are three motives for murder: love, hate, and greed.” – Bardwell

“When one is without a man in one’s life, one finds great comfort in good food.” – Ellery

“Comparing women could be dangerous to your health.” – Ellery

“A lot of things concerning women could be dangerous, but that hasn’t stopped me from liking them.” – Clint

“There’s always a different way of looking at things. There’s a lot of freedom of being a boat. You’re able to drift and see what lies beyond the place where you are. When roots tie you down, you can always see what’s around you.  Roots mean obligations. They can be confining, even a burden at times.” – Ellery

“The best things in life happen by chance, with no forethought or planning.” – Ellery 

“Some things were simply meant to happen a certain way and nothing could alter the outcome.” – Ellery

“Love isn’t something you decide to do and then take action, like you open a trust fund. It isn’t an empty box that you pile all your hopes into and then worry that at some point they will begin to fall out and you’ll be left with nothing. Everything will work itself out, in its own way.” – Ellery

“There is nothing as empty as the place where someone you liked had recently been.” –Ellery

“Gambling your life isn’t brave, it’s foolish.” – Clint

“A grumpy disposition is normally the result of terrorizing experience.” – Clint

“Common sense tells you one thing, but what you see cannot be explained by the placed perfection of your logical mind.” – Ellery

“We are women. We cope. We get stronger the more you throw at us. You can push us so far and then we draw the line and make a stand.” – Ellery

“I’m a firm believer of safe over sorry.” – Clint

“Men were so immodest.” – Ellery

“There were those who met every now and then, who were meant to be together.” – Ellery

“Keep pulling rabbit out of the hat.” – Clint

“No need to afraid of something that’s already happened to you.” – Roland

Gerard de Narval: “Every flower is a soul blossoming in Nature.”

“Corporations, like people, have problem from time to time.” – Daniel

“Life wasn’t beautiful. It was coldhearted and unfair. You had to grab what you could and do your best because there was someone out there waiting and scheming to take it from you. It was take-no-prisoner and give-no-quarter world. It wasn’t fair, but it was the price you had to pay if you want to survive.” – Daniel

“Money is the root of all evil.” – Daniel

“Once you know it is inevitable, you stop trying to think of ways how to save your life. You begin to think of ways to make it easier, or more comfortable, or to enjoy, at least, an honorable last moment.” – Ellery

 . . .after reading Elaine's Alone in the Dark, I did Jude's Sacrlet Nights ^^

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